Graffiti Book
The HOPE Outdoor Gallery is downtown Austin's most unique art gallery, near 10th and Lamar underneath the infamous castle at Castle Hill. This book is an archive of 3 years of legal creative expression by street artists from around the world, as well as weddings, music videos, and even celebrities such as Amy Poehler and Wes Anderson. The book began as a funded Kickstarter, and has evolved into a serious historical document as, eventually, the wall will be built upon by developers. Not everyone can simply walk up and start painting... artists have to register and receive a wristband in order to legally paint and express themselves, even established artists such as Shepard Fairey (OBEY Giant) who wrote the introduction for the book. I'm very proud of this collaboration with all the awesome artists from the wall and especially Andi Scull Cheatham, director of the HOPE Campaign.